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Code Analysis of LangChain AI Agent Implementation

Analysis of codes and designs of agent framework in LangChain

- 5 min

The AI Agent is an innovative way to harness the power of LLM. It provides additional tools and capabilities that empower the LLMs to perform web searches, retrieve data from databases, and invoke general services, among other functions. LangChain offers a well-designed and adaptable implementation of AI agents.

In this post, I would like to share how the AI agent is implemented and structured in the LangChain project. You can find more information on the LangChain project LangChain.

The Agent Module

The Agent Definition

An agent is composed of:

  1. A LLMChain type member represents the large language model to be called.
  2. An output parser to parse the result of tool execution.
  3. A list to hold all available tools.

The key functionality of an agent is the plan() method, it calls the llm_chain to give the next tool to be executed, then the tool is executed and a result is parsed by the output_parser.

Represent the Action of the Agent

To represent the tool to be executed by the agent, and to encapsulate any necessary data for the agent to execute a tool, AgentAction, AgentStep, and AgentFinish are provided:

  • AgentAction represents the action to do in the next step which is planned by the llm. To be specific, it is the next tool to be invoked.
  • AgentStep encapsulates the result of tool execution.
  • AgentFinish denotes the termination of the entire process. The user’s task is considered complete when an AgentFinish object is returned by the agent.

The Output Parser

The output parse should implement the abstract parse() method which is used to get the result of a tool’s invocation.

The Tool Module

The Tool class represents a tool.

The Implementation of AgentExecutor

LangChain uses the idea AgentExecutor to actually chain together all components: Agent, Tools, OutputParser, etc. The tools are added and managed by the AgentExecutor, the iteration of calling the llm for task planning -> the agent picks up the right tool and runs the tool with the parameters given by the llm -> parse the result and feed it to the llm again is all implemented and controlled by the AgentExecutor.

At the first place, let’s see how the AgentExecutor is structured:

As you can see from the uml graph:

  • The AgentExecutor holds the Agent object, which is used to make decisions by calling the llm (by invoke the plan() method defined by the Agent).
  • Tools are registered to AgentExecutor.
  • The max_iterations and max_execution_time are used to control the iteration.
  • The actual agent execution is defined and implemented in the member function in AgentExecutor.

And now let’s have a look at how the AgentExecutor works under the hood:

def _call(  
    inputs: Dict[str, str],  
    run_manager: Optional[CallbackManagerForChainRun] = None,  
) -> Dict[str, Any]:  
    """Run text through and get agent response."""  
    # Construct a mapping of tool name to tool for easy lookup  
    name_to_tool_map = { tool for tool in}  
    # We construct a mapping from each tool to a color, used for logging.  
    color_mapping = get_color_mapping(  
        [ for tool in], excluded_colors=["green", "red"]  
    intermediate_steps: List[Tuple[AgentAction, str]] = []  
    # Let's start tracking the number of iterations and time elapsed  
    iterations = 0  
    time_elapsed = 0.0  
    start_time = time.time()  
    # We now enter the agent loop (until it returns something).  
    while self._should_continue(iterations, time_elapsed):  
        next_step_output = self._take_next_step(  
        if isinstance(next_step_output, AgentFinish):  
            return self._return(  
                next_step_output, intermediate_steps, run_manager=run_manager  
        if len(next_step_output) == 1:  
            next_step_action = next_step_output[0]  
            # See if tool should return directly  
            tool_return = self._get_tool_return(next_step_action)  
            if tool_return is not None:  
                return self._return(  
                    tool_return, intermediate_steps, run_manager=run_manager  
        iterations += 1  
        time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time  
    output = self.agent.return_stopped_response(  
        self.early_stopping_method, intermediate_steps, **inputs  
    return self._return(output, intermediate_steps, run_manager=run_manager)

Codes explained as follows:

  • It initializes an empty list for storing intermediate steps and variables for tracking the number of iterations and time elapsed. The start time is recorded using time.time().
  • The method enters a loop that continues until the _should_continue method returns False. This method checks whether the agent should continue based on the number of iterations and time elapsed.
  • Within the loop, the _take_next_step method is called, which performs the next action in the agent’s process. It calls the agent to ask the llm to give the tool to be executed and run the tool. The result should be parsed by the output_parse hold by the agent into an AgentStep or an AgentFinish.
  • If the output of the next step is an instance of AgentFinish, the _return method is called, which likely finalizes the agent’s process and returns the result.
  • If the agent hasn’t finished, the output of the next step is added to the intermediate steps. If there’s only one step in the output, the _get_tool_return method is called to check if the tool should return directly. If it should, the _return method is called.
  • The number of iterations is incremented, and the time elapsed is updated.
  • If the loop ends without returning a result, the return_stopped_response method of the agent is called, and its output is returned using the _return method.

Overall Structure


In this post, we have delved into the implementation details of the LangChain project’s AI agent framework. We have discussed key concepts of an agent, how these components are interconnected, and the code details of the execution iteration.


  1. GitHub - langchain-ai/langchain: 🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications
  2. agents | 🦜️🔗 LangChain
  3. [2210.03629] ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models